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  • Writer's pictureEvie Jensen

Time to Grow!

It is time, now, to recognize that you are ready to evolve. Take those chances, ask those questions, go to those events, and become the person you want to be. The more we interact with the world around us the more we grow.


As college students, we are pressed to get good grades, attend classes, and keep up with the rigorous schedule of school. Remember though, college is a time of self-discovery and the development of skills. It is also a time of growth. Part of that growth is being able to take chances and put yourself out there. Join clubs, be part of the community, be involved with your classes, and go to social events. Personally, my story of growth begins my freshman year at my first four year college. I was driven by very selfish and immature reasons to pursue college. I isolated myself, moved far away from home, and chose a major based solely on the idea that it would make me financially wealthy. Needless to say, I was miserable and moved back home. Once I transferred to San Jose State, I looked for clubs and joined the Marketing Association. This is the first club I have ever been part of, and it has changed me for the better; I have become more invested in my work, I am learning how to network, I am more social and found a major that I was genuinely interested in. Growth is about change, taking chances, and allowing yourself to be uncomfortable to find your comfort. Now, more than ever, is the time to do that. We are the freest we will be now than we will be when we leave for the real world, so take the jump, and grow.

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